• Brian P. Johnston, CFP®

    Chief Investment Officer

    Managing Partner

As the CIO of ForthRight Wealth Management, LLC, my role is to analyze and understand the economic and financial markets that affect our client’s financial plans and portfolios. Through a constant process of monitoring and researching macroeconomic risks and events, we are able to provide personal and specific advice to navigate the continuous changes of economic markets. My passion for understanding current and historical economic events helps shape the advice and planning we provide to create a successful plan for you, our valued clients. Shaping your future success is a top priority at ForthRight Wealth Management.

With more than twenty years of financial planning experience, I can attribute much of my early understanding of markets to opening and managing my first investment account as a child, and from working for major financial institutions while attending Furman University. Those early experiences shaped my belief in the supreme importance of risk management, as we plan for your future financial success. With my experiences and our belief in treating our clients like we treat our family, we know that we will achieve great things together.

I can attribute much of my success to my wife, Shelly, who spends the majority of her time taking care of our five girls at home in Alpharetta, GA. With the support, partnership, and stability that Shelly provides in my personal life, I can dedicate my focus in the office to what is most important: our clients and their financial well-being.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner®,  CFP Logo Flame Design and  CFP Logo Plaque Design in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.